There are so many reasons to share this pic of Executive Recruiter, Dorian Caccamo, who's holding a painting from Brian, a newly hired Marketing Director. It's an expression of gratitude, and the result of a successful career placement, but there's more to it.
Working with a recruiter is an opportunity to collaborate. When communication is high, you'll find a career you're excited about. Recruiters are partners who understand the climate of the industry where you're looking, and they help you navigate the interview process, which they're fluent in. You're building a relationship, so there's an opportunity to be yourself, and display skills and traits that are hard to convey on a resume. Think emotional intelligence and energy-level, to name a few.
Want more of the story behind this awesome painting? Check out our Q&A with Dorian:
Connect with industry recruiters at every career stage, whether you're emerging from grad school, or a seasoned pro who hasn't interviewed in a while.
How did you connect?
I met this candidate on LinkedIn. I reached out to him because of his talent and skillset. When I interviewed him though, I knew he was the perfect match for what the client was looking for based on his personality, team player attitude, and his humble nature. The role was a Director of Marketing.
Does he love his new gig?
Yes! He does. Brian fit right in as of day 1! I went to visit the client and Brian to see how everything was going. The entire office was very happy to have him on board! They already had jokes going between them. I walked out of the building knowing Brian was in the right place and he was comfortable. Since he was hired, Brian moved to Seattle this year and the client is fully supportive of him working remotely. Again, Brian was able to achieve his dream to live in Seattle, looking at the Space Needle from his apartment and achieve greatness with the company!
How did you feel when you were gifted?
I was shocked and I felt appreciated. The Islanders have been my favorite team since I was 5. Brian remembered that and created this masterpiece. My favorite players are highlighted in the painting! Not only is Brian talented but he is thoughtful too. The perfect combination for this client. I was very thankful and have it hanging in my bar in my basement next to the Pittsburgh Steelers Heinz Field picture Brian created for my husband Ken.
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